Hello Autumn kit by LoisD Dezignz can be found in all the below stores
Digital Designer Resources HERE
Designer Scraps HERE
Digi Divas HERE
Inspirations of Scraps Friends HERE
Low Budget Scrapping HERE
Pics for Design HERE
I am using a tube by Caron Vinson she is found at CDO HERE
The Slat tube used is made by ME you can download it from
I used the font called Autumn Whispers HERE
Please Note I use PSPX6 and resizing and settings may be different. Please resize and use
settings according to what you are happy with as each program can be different.
Drop shadow used thruout is Vertical and Hoorizontal 2, Opacity 75, Blur 5 and Color Black
Ok let's get started...
Open the Slat Tube in Psp or whatever program your using.
Select all-Float-Defloat
New Raster Layer....Open paper 3
Copy and paste into selection on new layer
Selections-Modify-Contract 4
New Raster Layer..Open paper 9
Copy and paste into selection on new layer
Delete Orginal Black Slat
Open El 43
Copy and paste onto working image
Resize 50% and again by 40%
Remember Resizing may be different depending on your monitor and
program just look at my preview and resize to your liking.
Position el 43 to the right and drop shadow
On your second slat tube layer (the lighter colored one)
Select all-float-defloat
Open either your tube or if your tube has a half layer than use that
Resize and position portion of your tube to your liking. See my
example for example.
Delete on your keyboard
Select none
Drop shadow
Duplicate the tube layer
on the duplicate layer go to
Adjust-Blur-Gaussian blur 5
Layer Palette set to Overlay
Merge down the two tube layers
Lower opacity in layer pallette to around 73
Drop shadow
Copy and paste your full size tube resize to your liking
and place to the left of the image and drop shadow
Delete the White bottom layer if you have one
Merge visible
Drop shadow
I used Autumn Whispers font with a Eye candy Gradient on my name.
Add your copyrights Save as a PNG and your done.
Thanks for doing my tut I would love to see what you do. Feel free