Monday, August 15, 2016

FTU Clusters Using FTU Scrap Kit "Moonlight"

FTU Cluster Frames made from a FTU Scrap kit by Mizteeque
found at
This kit name is "Moonlight"
Found HERE It is down the page a way..

Please do not claim these as your own. I made them in PSP using Mizteeque's Kit
Please send people here to download and send them to Mizteeque's link above
to download the kit. 

The pictures here are in PNG and I am uploading them to Box in PSP format for 
download as well.

3 different Clusters each with a different saying on it.. 

Download from box HERE

Pngs below... 



  1. Beautiful frames! I'll use these in our challenges. Jules

  2. Very nice, you done a great job on these clusters xx

  3. These are gorgeous Charlotte!! Thanks for sharing hun hugzz:)
